Tweetbot for Mac Now in the App Store
Tweetbot for Mac is now out of beta and in the App Store. I've been using the beta for months now, and it is easily the best Twitter experience you can have on the desktop.
The downside? It's $20. You can thank Twitter's new asshat API restrictions. Tapbots can only sell about a 100,000 copies without Twitter's approval, so each sale has to count.
Is it worth $20? If you love Twitter, absolutely. It's an exquisitively well-crafted app.
But here's the thing: I don't even know if I want to stick with Twitter. Part of me wants to just say "screw Twitter," buy an subscription, and wait for Netbot for Mac, which I'm sure is not far away. Quite frankly, I don't like where Twitter's going, and I don't like their current attitude.
If I had Gruber money, it'd be an easy decision. But alas, like most of you, I have bills and a budget. Meanwhile, for a mere $9 more, you can buy the MacHeist 4 bundle, which includes the incredible Scrivener, a year of Evernote Premium, Bioshock 2, and DiskTools Pro, among other goodies.
This month, that's probably where my app budget's going. Sorry Tapbots. Scrivener itself is usually priced at $45, and worth every penny. It's the absolute best long-form writing tool I've ever used. And I need to spend more time on my novels, less time on Twitter.
Update: Tweetbot for Mac is currently the #2 paid app in the App Store. Good on them, they absolutely deserve it. Hopefully it sends Twitter a message.